2022 April Presentation: Dr. Michelle Thaller
Join us Saturday, April 16th, as our guest, Dr. Michelle Thaller, of the Goddard Space Flight Center presents “Current News of Space.”
Dr. Thaller will be joining us for the first time, providing answers to the questions you have as fellow Astronomers. Updates from NASA: the James Webb Telescope, recent Hubble results, and a look-ahead to Venus and exoplanets. Graduating from Harvard with a B.A. Degree in Astrophysics, Dr. Thaller continued on at Georgia State University ultimately receiving a Ph.D. in Philosophy.
Dr. Michelle Thaller is an astrophysicist with over two decades of science communication experience. Her research involves the lifecycles of stars, and she has worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA Headquarters and the Goddard Space Flight Center, where she is currently the liaison between the Office of Communication and the Science Directorate.
Outside her work at NASA, she has appeared in many television science programs, including How the Universe Works and Space’s Deepest Secrets. Michelle has done two TEDx talks about astronomy and has hosted the podcast Orbital Path on public radio.